How To Activate Super-CAPI & Restore 🔄

Raquel Bartolome Updated by Raquel Bartolome

What is Restore?​

Restore is a tool that helps improve your Meta Ads performance, attribution, and conversion rates.

​What is Restore custom Audience?​

This is's connection to Meta to populate a retargeting audience of your website visitors. This status audience can be used for retargeting or to make Lookalike audiences based off of.

​What is Restore Super CAPI?​

Restore Super-CAPI is's tool to improve the amount of events sent through the conversions API to Meta. Even when Meta’s pixel is blocked we can fire events and send the enriched data back to your events manager to improve your events match quality score, improve your ads attribution, and lower the cost of your ads.

Necessary Steps BEFORE using Restore or Super CAPI events

  1. Have an ad account
  2. Have a Facebook pixel with traffic on your website
  3. Have the Conversions API set up in your events manager
  4. Have X-Ray pixel installed on your website

⮕ How To Activate Restore for custom retargeting audiences in your Audience manager on Facebook

Click on each of the item for detailed instructions.
  1. Check your current Event score in Facebook
    > Go to Events Manager. > Select the name and ID of your data.> Select the Page View event on the list to see the details. > Click on the View Details to get a more detailed information about the event:
  2. Connect your Facebook Ad account under the “restore” tab
    > Select RESTORE on the Left side menu, then click RESTORE AD AUDIENCES. If your Facebook account is not yet connected, check out this article for guidance. > Create a Facebook audience by selecting an Ad Account, naming your Audience and selecting the specific Audience to sync from Sync Automatically is recommended. Click on the CREATE button.
  3. Share access to monitor results
    > Log into your Meta Business Manager's Business Settings. > Select Data Sources > Datasets of the Business Settings.> Click the Assign Partners button. > Enter's business ID (1954255377922563) and select from the two options. Partial Access gives read-only access to your Meta ad account so we can create your weekly performance reports. Full control gives admin access to your Meta pixel/dataset so we can generate a CAPI token and make note of your Facebook Pixel ID and Test Event Code.> Select the option " acts as an agency for my business". > Click the I Accept button to complete the process.

⮕How to Activate Super-CAPI events manager

⚠️ Be sure to confirm you have a standard Facebook Conversions API set up. Navigate to your Pixel and dataset on Meta - take a screenshot of your Event match quality score for record keeping or send it to your dedicated Account Manager.
  1. Navigate to the “My Leads” Section of and click MANAGE EVENTS.
    Select RESTORE on the left-side menu and under SUPER-CAPI Event, click on Manage your Events
  2. Enter in the website links EXACTLY as they appear when you are on the website.
    Be sure to include HTTPS:// and remove WWW. if it is not present (NOTE: most websites do not use www.)
  3. Find your Pixel ID on Facebook Business manager and paste it on Meta Pixel ID
    The detailed instructions on how to find your Pixel ID can be found here ➡️ Share your Meta dataset/pixel information with
  4. Generate your Conversions API token on Facebook Business manager and paste it on Conversions API Token
    The detailed instructions on how to generate your Conversions API token can be found here ➡️ Share your Meta dataset/pixel information with
  5. Click next and click Test events
    After a test event has been sent (this may take up to 30 minutes) navigate to your dataset in Meta and approve the event. The detailed instructions on how to find the Test event code can be found here ➡️ Share your Meta dataset/pixel information with
  6. You will begin seeing events sent from to Facebook
    Monitor your event match quality score over the next 2 weeks for an increase. Monitor your CPC, CPM, and conversions for a reduction in cost after your EMQ has increased

How did we do?

Connecting Facebook Account to Activate RESTORE
