Finding your Google Ads Client ID, Secret Token and Customer ID

Raquel Bartolome Updated by Raquel Bartolome

Click on each item for detailed instructions.

Obtaining Client ID and Secret Token

Login To Google Developers Console
Go to the Google Developers Console and log in with your Google account.
Create a New Project
Click on the dropdown of list of Projects and then select NEW PROJECT button to create a new project.Name your project so it is easier to remember, once done, click on the CREATE button.
Enable the Google Ads API
On the search bar, type Google Ads API and select it from the search result. You will be redirected to this screen. Click on the ENABLE button.
Configure OAuth Consent
Before you can generate the Client ID and Secret, you need to configure the OAuth Consent Screen in the project. Under credentials click on CONFIGURE CONSENT SCREEN. Select EXTERNAL and click on the CREATE button. Fill in all the required details, such as App Name User, Support Email, and Developer Contact Information. Finally, click on the SAVE AND CONTINUE button.On the Scope and Test User screen, you do not need to add or change anything, just click on the SAVE AND CONTINUE button. Review the credentials on the Summary page, scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on the BACK TO DASHBOARD button.
Create OAuth Credentials
Navigate to Credentials on the left-side menu, click on the +Create Credentials and select OAuth Client ID, then click on the CREATE button. Select “Web Application” on APPLICATION TYPE and enter CustomersAI on the NAME to identify us as the client. Under Authorized redirect URIs, input . Click on the CREATE button. You will receive the Client ID and Client secret token.These information are the ones you need to fill in under the credentials for Google Ads Setup in

Finding your Google Ads Customer ID

Login to your Google Ads account
Open Google Ads on your browser and sign in.
Navigate to the Dashboard and copy your Customer ID.
Your Customer ID is already displayed next to your profile picture and above your email address.
Navigate to Integration and use this Customer ID
Along with the Client ID and Secret Token obtained from Google Developer Console, paste your Google Ads Customer ID under the Google Ads Setup on the Integrations Tab of

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