How to Activate the Upgraded Version of X-Ray

Raquel Bartolome Updated by Raquel Bartolome

⚠️This feature is only available for ACTIVE clients.

1. Navigate to your X-Ray installation page on

Select X-Ray Pixel on the left-side menu and click on Add DNS records for Advanced tracking.

2. Input your Domain on the advanced tracking

Enter your domain name on the url box and click on SET

3. Set your DNS records where you host your domain

You will be provided with the TXT and CNAME records that you need to add into your DNS. Once added, click on VERIFY to begin the verification process which may take up to 4 hours.

⬇️ Click here for Additional Step for Shopify users only
Shopify users need to install a 2nd pixel under the "Custom Events" area.

4. Make sure to ENABLE the Advanced DNS tracking once verified to improve your X-ray Pixel performance and watch your Email and Ad revenue grow!

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X-Ray SDK for Custom Events
