Connect an existing Ad on Ads Manager to a Click-to-Messenger Ads in MobileMonkey

Raquel Bartolome Updated by Raquel Bartolome

Follow the steps below to connect your ads with a MobileMonkey dialogue. If you want to publish a brand new ad from MobileMonkey, see this help article.

To connect your existing ads with a MobileMonkey dialogue:

Go to any Existing Automation or Add a New Automation > Click on +Add Trigger > Select Click-to-Messenger Ads

STEP 1. How do you want to set up your messenger ad?
Select "Sync an Existing ad created in Ads Manager ". If you have not created an Ad in Ads manager or your Ad does not have ENGAGEMENT as objective, please use this guide.
STEP 2. Create Dialogue
Build the dialogue you want to use for your messenger ad(s). A dialogue is a series of messages that the bot will send when the user clicks on the CTA button on your Ad. Take note that the first message in the dialogue cannot be deleted since it is an opt-in question, as required by Meta.
Step 3. Sync Ads (Automatic)
Select the Ad account and Campaign with which the specific Ad/s is /are created. A list of Asds that are created under the Campaign will populate, you can select multiple Ads to sync. Make sure that the Objective is ENGAGEMENT - you are unable to see Ads with different objectives.
STEP 4. Advanced (Designate an Audience name for all Leads who interacted with your Ad)
As part of the ad setup we will automatically create an audience for contacts who clicked through your connected ads. The name of this audience is listed in the "Advanced" section of your ad setup.

​Manual Sync

If you are getting errors syncing the Ad automatically, you can choose to sync manually. Switch to "Connect manually" and follow the instructions provided. You will need to copy out a JSON snippet and the URL parameter to put in your ad setup in Ads Manager

Are your ad account/campaign/ads not showing up? Check this help article for some FAQs.

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