Facebook and Instagram Audience Extractor

Varya Nazarova Updated by Varya Nazarova

Here are answers to frequently asked questions about the MobileMonkey Automation template and feature "Our Famous Instagram and Facebook Audience Extractor."

  • What is the Instagram and Facebook Audience Extractor?

Instagram and Facebook Audience Extractor is an automation created when you connect Facebook and Instagram, and helps you to gather contact details when someone engages with your Facebook and Instagram account.

  • How do I know if I have the Instagram and Facebook Audience Extractor Automation?

When you connect Facebook or Instagram to MobileMonkey, you'll see this screen:

You can also find it in My Automations tab listed with the Essential Templates:

  • What is the Instagram and Facebook Audience Extractor?

It's an input trigger in your Automations which collects contacts every time someone engages with your Facebook or Instagram account connected to MobileMonkey.

Instead of responding to one type of engagement or one post, it will respond to everything that doesn’t have a more specific autoresponder attached to it.

  • How can I customize the Instagram and Facebook Audience Extractor?

Navigate to the automation by going to "Automations" in the top navigation of the app, and then clicking "My Automations". From there, find the automation called "Our Famous Instagram and Facebook Audience Extractor" and click it to edit it. You can add or remove the text blocks, as well as add or remove input triggers (input triggers are set to Instagram and Facebook DMs, IG Live comments, post comments, Story mentions and Story reactions by default.

  • What if I have other input triggers active? Will it conflict with Instagram and Facebook Audience Extractor?

No, there will be no conflict between these input triggers. IG or FB Audience Extractor will reply to all types of engagement as long as they are not responded to by another autoresponder.

For example, if you have both IG/FB Engagement Autoresponder and IG/FB Comment Autoresponder active, the second one has the higher priority and will be sent to your contact that comments on the post.

  • What will the Instagram and Facebook Audience Extractor respond to?

If you don't have any other Instagram and Facebook input triggers set up, it will fire off for Instagram and Facebook DMs, IG Live comments, post comments, Story mentions and Story reactions.

  • How can I create the Instagram and Facebook Audience Extractor Automation?

It's being created automatically right when Instagram and Facebook are connected to MobileMonkey.

  • How can I delete the Instagram and Facebook Audience Extractor Automation?

This automation is the default one and can't be deleted. But if you don't want it to respond, you can pause the whole Automation:

Or just the Instagram and Facebook Audience Extractor input trigger:

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