Guide in Publishing Ads in the New Ads Manager

Raquel Bartolome Updated by Raquel Bartolome

1. Create Ad Campaign in Facebook Ads Manager

  • Click on the +Create button.
  • Under 'Create New Campaign' tab, select Engagement if your goal is to start more conversations on a messaging app), choose Leads if your goal is to generate leads through Messenger or choose sales if your goal is to drive sales on a messaging app.
  • Once campaign is created, customize the name of the Campaign.
  • Declare if your Ad is under the Special Ad Category, otherwise, SKIP this and click NEXT to proceed to Ad Set creation

2. Create Ad Set

  • Select Messaging Apps under Conversation location
  • Select Click-to-Message as Ad type

  • Check Messenger on Messenger Apps.
  • Make sure to select the correct Facebook Page under Accounts, if you have multiple Pages.

  • Set budget and schedule.

  • Under Audience, select or create a New Audience.

  • Setup the Ad's Placements- where your ad will be displayed among Facebook’s ad network. Facebook messages ads can be displayed on the Facebook News Feed and within Facebook Messenger as well as the Instagram feed.

3. Create the Ad Creative

  • Name the Ad
  • Select Facebook Page

  • Select Format (single image or video are the most popular) If you select Carousel, you will need to Manually sync this Ad to the Click-to-Messenger Ad created in MobileMonkey.

  • In Media Section Upload image or Video (this is what your audience will see in news feeds)
  • Customize Text, Headline and Call to Action

Here is an Ad Preview to know how the ad looks like in a News Feed.

  • !!! Important: it is recommended you sync your ads automatically with MobileMonkey. MobileMonkey will automatically put add a URL Parameter and JSON that links the Call to Action button with your chosen Dialogue or Opt-In Quick Question.
  • Hit Publish

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