Automatic Follow-up

Raquel Bartolome Updated by Raquel Bartolome

Inbox Rules

Send a follow-up message to your contact based on which folder their conversation is moved. You can select the time period in minutes or hours from the time the conversation was moved/marked with Pending or Resolved. This is also where the dialogue conversation that will be sent is created.

Conversation has been moved to Pending
A perfect use-case is when you are waiting for the user's response. Automatically send a follow-up message to nudge the user. Take note though that for Facebook & Instagram Leads, the 24-hour policy is in effect; which means if your follow-up is scheduled to send beyond 24 hours (the basis is 24 hours from user's interaction), the message will not send.
Conversation has been moved to Resolved
This can be used for sending out surveys to users after their interaction with a Live Chat Agent. Take note though that for Facebook & Instagram Leads, the 24-hour policy is in effect; which means if your follow-up is scheduled to send beyond 24 hours (the basis is 24 hours from user's interaction), the message will not send.

Chat Dialogue Rule

Customer did not respond to a quick question

People get busy so if the bot detects that someone did not respond to a question, you can setup a reminder by sending a message with the question that was missed/unanswered.

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