How To Recover Abandoned Forms


A startling 70% of online forms are abandoned before completion according to Baymard Institute. This represents a significant amount of lost leads and revenue for many businesses. When website visitors take the time to begin filling out a form, it means they have some interest in your product or service. Failing to convert that interest into a lead is a missed opportunity.

Understanding why forms are abandoned at such high rates is the first step to recovering more of those lost leads. Often, it’s as simple as the form being too long or confusing. Other times, technical issues get in the way and cause frustration. By optimizing your forms to be shorter, simpler, and less prone to technical errors, you can dramatically reduce abandonment rates.

In this guide, we’ll explore actionable tips for recovering abandoned forms and turning more of your website traffic into leads. With a few form optimizations and follow-up efforts, you may be able to recover 20-60% or more of the leads you are currently losing. Let’s get started!

Why Forms are Abandoned

Forms are abandoned for a variety of reasons that lead to frustration for users and lost leads for businesses. The main reasons users abandon forms include:

The form is too long. Forms that ask for a lot of information across multiple pages see high drop off rates. Longer forms equal more time and effort for users, so they’re more likely to leave without finishing. Keeping your form short, concise and limited to essential information increases completion rates.

The questions are confusing. Unclear, technical jargon or ambiguous questions can confuse users, making them more likely to abandon the form. Using plain, easy to understand language is key.

There are technical issues. Forms that don’t function properly on mobile devices or have bugs that prevent progress will lead to abandonment. Testing your forms across devices and fixing any technical issues is critical.

There is no option to save progress. Not allowing users to save their progress and return later forces them to complete the form in one session. Giving the option to save info and finish the form later accommodates users and reduces abandonments.

By optimizing form length, clarity, functionality and ability to save progress, businesses can provide a smooth user experience that converts more leads.

Shorten and Simplify Forms

One of the main reasons forms get abandoned is because they are too long or complex. People don’t want to spend time filling out fields that aren’t absolutely necessary.

Here are some tips for shortening and simplifying forms:

  • Only ask for essential information. Remove any fields that are “nice to have” but not critical. This includes things like middle name, secondary phone number, etc. Only keep fields you absolutely need to collect leads.
  • Use clear, simple language. Avoid technical jargon and industry buzzwords. Write field names and instructions in plain language your audience will understand. For example, use “Email Address” instead of “Primary Email Identifier”.
  • Limit optional fields. Too many optional fields can make a form look intimidating and long. Make most fields required and only include optional fields if they provide very valuable information.
  • Group related info into sections. Break long forms into shorter sections using headings. This makes it look more manageable. For example, group together billing address and contact fields under an “Account Details” heading.
  • Use form logic to show/hide fields. Only show certain fields if a previous answer requires them. For example, only show “State” if the user selects “United States” for country. This avoids irrelevant fields.

By simplifying and removing unnecessary fields, you can dramatically reduce abandonment rates. The key is to only include what you absolutely must have to qualify and follow up with leads. It takes testing and optimization, but shorter forms convert better.

Allow Saving and Sending Reminders

A great way to reduce abandonment is to allow users to save their progress and return later to complete the form. This is especially helpful for longer, more complex forms.

Implement a “Save and Continue Later” button that lets users save their inputs and come back to finish. When they return, pre-populate the fields so they don’t have to start over.

You can also send reminder emails to recover abandoned forms. If someone exits without submitting, follow up with a friendly email reminding them to complete the form.

Reminder emails typically recover 20-60% of leads. Make sure to include a direct link back to the form in the email so it’s easy for them to pick up where they left off.

Personalize the reminder emails with the user’s name and any form data already completed. This shows you value their time and information.

Test and Optimize Forms

The best way to understand how to improve your forms is to test different versions and see which performs better. Form optimization is key to increasing conversion rates.

There are a few different tests you can run:

  • A/B test form length: Try shortening your form by removing non-essential fields. See if a shorter form converts better.
  • A/B test form design: Experiment with different form styles, layouts, colors, and wording. Measure which design has the highest completion rate.
  • A/B test confirmation page: Test if adding a confirmation page results in more completed forms versus redirecting immediately after submitting.
  • A/B test thank you gift: Offer a small incentive like a discount code on the confirmation page for half your visitors. See if the gift improves conversions.
  • A/B test follow up sequence: Send different follow up emails to non-converters. See if certain messaging brings back more abandoned forms.

The key is to isolate different form factors and test them against each other over time. Analytics tools like Google Optimize can facilitate A/B testing. Always be testing and iterating to improve form performance.

Conversion optimization is a continuous process. Small tweaks can add up to big gains in form completion rates over time. Try to beat your own conversion rates with each round of optimization. Improved conversions mean more leads and less abandoned forms.

FAQs on Reducing Form Abandonment

1. Why do 70% of online forms get abandoned before completion?

Online forms are frequently abandoned due to their length, confusing questions, technical issues, and the lack of a progress-saving option. Simplifying and optimizing forms can significantly reduce abandonment rates.

2. How can simplifying forms reduce abandonment rates?

By only asking for essential information, using clear and simple language, limiting optional fields, grouping related information, and employing form logic, forms become less daunting and more user-friendly, encouraging completion.

3. What are the main reasons users abandon forms?

Users primarily abandon forms because they are too long, the questions are confusing, there are technical issues, or because there’s no option to save progress and return later to complete them.

4. How can allowing users to save their progress help?

Implementing a “Save and Continue Later” feature allows users to pause filling out a form and return to it at their convenience, significantly reducing form abandonment rates.

5. What role do reminder emails play in recovering abandoned forms?

Sending reminder emails to users who have not completed forms can recover 20-60% of leads. These emails should include a direct link back to the form and personalize the message to show value for the user’s time and information.

6. How can A/B testing improve form completion rates?

A/B testing different aspects of forms, such as length, design, confirmation pages, thank you gifts, and follow-up sequences, helps identify what works best for your audience and increases conversion rates.

7. What continuous process is vital for increasing form conversions?

Conversion optimization is an ongoing process that involves regularly testing and iterating different elements of your forms to improve performance and beat previous conversion rates.

8. Can simplifying a form really impact its conversion rates?

Yes, simplifying a form by removing unnecessary fields and making it more user-friendly can dramatically increase its completion rate, as it reduces the effort required from users.

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