How to Convert Anonymous Website Visitors into Known Users

Introduction: The Value of Converting Anonymous Visitors into Known Users

It’s estimated that over 70% of visitors to the average website are completely anonymous. They browse pages, consume content, and interact with your site without ever identifying themselves. While this behavior is expected, it represents a huge missed opportunity for most businesses. Collecting some basic information from these anonymous website visitors can provide tremendous value.

Converting unknown visitors into known users that you can identify opens up many possibilities:

  • You can begin marketing to these visitors directly via email or social channels.
  • You can offer special discounts, content offers, or other incentives just for members or email subscribers.
  • You gain the ability to understand your audience better through collected demographic data, interests, and feedback.
  • It becomes possible to track the buying journeys of known users to optimize your sales funnels.
  • Returning visitors are much more likely to convert and make a purchase when you can identify them and cater offers directly to them.

The benefits are clear. Increasing your subscriber list, social following, and identified site visitors can directly impact your bottom line. In this guide, we’ll explore some of the top techniques for converting more of your anonymous website traffic into known users.

Incentivize Visitors to Share Contact Info

Visitors are much more likely to share their contact information if they receive something valuable in return. Offering incentives is a proven way to increase conversion rates. Here are some effective incentives to consider:

  • Discounts or promo codes – Offer a discount, exclusive promotion, or coupon code in exchange for an email signup. This builds your email list while providing instant value. For example, “Sign up for 10% off your next order”.
  • Free content or resources – Offer a free ebook, toolkit, template, or access to member-only content in exchange for contact information. The content should be relevant and useful to your audience. For example, a freelance writer could offer a free guide to getting your first client.
  • Contests and giveaways – Sweepstakes, contests, and giveaways that require contact information in order to enter are an enticing incentive. They also build buzz and engagement. For example, have people sign up for a chance to win a prize.
  • Early access – Give people early access to new products, content, or features by signing up. Exclusivity is an attractive incentive. For example, early access to sale items or new course material.
  • Loyalty programs – Consider loyalty programs that provide points, rewards, or member-only benefits for sharing contact info and creating an account. This helps build brand loyalty.

Pair these incentives with effective calls-to-action placed strategically throughout your website. The offer should clearly communicate the value to the visitor upfront.

Strategies for Converting Anonymous Website Visitors into Known Users

There are several strategies you can implement to incentivize anonymous visitors to convert into known users by sharing their contact information on your website:

Email Signup Popups/Bars

One of the most popular options is to use email signup popups or bars that appear when a visitor first lands on your site or as they are about to leave. These can offer visitors something of value, like a discount code or access to exclusive content, in exchange for their email address. Position the popups strategically and test different triggers to optimize conversion rates.

Website Visitor ID X-Ray Pixel

The website visitor ID x-ray pixel can capture first-party data on your site visitors. Collect names, emails, phone numbers, business data, and more.

Social Media Follow Buttons

Add social media follow buttons prominently on your site. Allowing visitors to follow you on social can help continue the relationship after they leave your site. Make it as frictionless as possible for them to click and follow.

Exit-Intent Popups

Use exit-intent technology to detect when a visitor is about to leave your site and prompt them with a targeted popup encouraging them to share their email or social information. This gives you a last chance to convert them before they leave.

Contact Forms

Contact forms allow visitors to reach out with questions and engage further with your business. You can even offer incentives for those who fill them out, or make a portion of a gated resource accessible after contact form submission.


Interactive content like quizzes and surveys engage visitors more deeply while also collecting contact information. Offering the results of the quiz and unique content based on someone’s answers incentivizes participation.


Contests and giveaways that require an email address for entry are a popular way to convert more anonymous visitors. Make the prize enticing and relevant to your audience for higher conversion rates. Announce the winner(s) publicly to add credibility.

Best Practices for Signup Forms and CTAs

When trying to convert website visitors into known users, the design and placement of your signup forms and calls-to-action (CTAs) are crucial. Follow these best practices to maximize conversions:

Create Effective CTAs

  • Keep copy short, clear and action-oriented. Tell visitors exactly what action to take (Sign up, Subscribe, Get notified).
  • Use active voice and imperative tone like “Sign up today”.
  • Make buttons large, colorful, and eye-catching. Contrast with background.
  • Reduce friction by limiting required fields. Don’t ask for too much upfront.

Strategically Position Signup Forms

  • Place near top right of pages so it’s visible when scrolling.
  • Put forms on blog posts after relevant content, not just at the bottom.
  • Use overlays or popups for high-value offers right when visitors arrive.
  • On sidebar or blog sections for consistent exposure on all pages.
  • On landing pages, position form above the fold so it’s seen immediately.

Following these best practices for optimizing your CTAs and signup form placement will help convert more of your anonymous website visitors into known, engaged users.

Conclusion: The Value of Converting Website Visitors

Converting unknown website visitors into known users is one of the most important goals for any website owner. As we’ve covered, most website traffic comes from anonymous visitors who will leave your site without ever returning. By implementing strategies to collect contact information through email signups, social media follows, popups, and other methods, you can turn these one-time visitors into repeat, loyal users.

Throughout this guide, we’ve shared proven techniques to incentivize visitors to share their contact info, increase conversion rates, and build your subscriber list. To recap, some of the most effective strategies include:

  • Email signup bars and popups – Make it easy for visitors to subscribe right on your site. Use exit-intent popups and offer lead magnets.
  • Social media follow buttons – Allowing visitors to follow you on social media creates a connection and helps you market to them later.
  • Contact forms and surveys – Ask for visitor info in exchange for content offers, discounts, and by conveying the value to them.
  • Contests and giveaways – Sweepstakes that require an email address work very well to convert visitors.

It’s also important to follow best practices like crafting compelling CTAs, positioning signup forms strategically, and leveraging conversion optimization tools.

By implementing even a few of these tips, you can dramatically increase your website conversions and create an audience to market to moving forward. Converting unknown visitors into subscribers and followers should be a top priority for your content and marketing strategies.

FAQs on Converting Anonymous Visitors

What value does converting anonymous visitors into known users provide?

Converting anonymous visitors into known users enables direct marketing opportunities, offers special discounts, improves audience understanding, optimizes sales funnels, and increases the likelihood of conversion and purchase from returning visitors.

What incentives can be offered to visitors to share their contact information?

Incentives can include discounts or promo codes, free content or resources, entry into contests and giveaways, early access to products or content, and enrollment in loyalty programs. These incentives encourage visitors to engage and share their contact info.

How can email signup popups/bars convert anonymous visitors?

Email signup popups or bars that appear upon site entry or exit can offer value in exchange for an email address, such as a discount code or exclusive content, effectively converting visitors into subscribers.

Why are social media follow buttons effective in converting visitors?

Social media follow buttons facilitate a continued relationship with the visitor post-visit, making it seamless for them to connect with your brand on social platforms.

How do exit-intent popups work to convert leaving visitors?

Exit-intent technology detects when a user is about to leave the site, displaying a targeted popup to encourage them to share their email or social information before they exit.

What role do contact forms play in converting visitors?

Contact forms engage visitors further with your business and can offer incentives for completion, facilitating the conversion of visitors into known users by collecting their contact information.

How can quizzes/surveys be utilized to gather visitor information?

Interactive quizzes and surveys engage visitors and collect contact information by offering personalized results or content, incentivizing participation.

Why are contests and giveaways effective for converting visitors?

Contests and giveaways that require an email for entry can significantly convert visitors by offering a relevant and enticing prize, making them an effective strategy for growing your known user base.

What are the best practices for signup forms and CTAs?

To maximize conversions, use short, clear, and action-oriented copy for CTAs, make buttons large and colorful, strategically position signup forms across your website, and reduce friction by asking for minimal information upfront.

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