How Do You Test Email Deliverability?


Email marketing can be a powerful channel for engaging your audience and driving conversions. However, none of that matters if your carefully crafted emails never make it to the inbox.

Email deliverability refers to the percentage of emails sent that arrive in subscribers’ inboxes, rather than getting blocked by spam filters or ignored. For email marketers, deliverability is crucial for ensuring your messages get seen by the intended recipients.

After all, an email that gets caught in the spam folder or overlooked among promotions may as well have not been sent at all. Even if you have a compelling offer or subject line, the message is useless if no one ever opens it.

That’s why it’s so important to optimize your email campaigns for deliverability. By testing and fine-tuning key factors like sender reputation, email authentication, and list segmentation, you can improve your inbox placement and increase the reach of your emails.

This guide will explore actionable tips for checking and enhancing deliverability before you hit send on your next email blast. Applying these best practices can help your emails arrive reliably in subscribers’ inboxes and avoid the dreaded spam folder.

Define Key Terms

Deliverability refers to the ability of an email message to make it to the intended recipient’s inbox. High deliverability means your email campaigns are less likely to get blocked or filtered as spam.

Inbox placement is when an email arrives in the primary inbox folder rather than being filtered to spam, promotions, or social tabs. Inbox placement is key for visibility and engagement.

Sender reputation is the trustworthiness and credibility of the email sender, often determined by factors like complaint rates, authentication, and consistency in sending practices. A good sender reputation helps avoid spam filters.

Authentication involves confirming the identity of an email sender and verifying they have permission to send messages from a domain. Proper authentication via methods like SPF, DKIM, and DMARC improves deliverability by validating legitimacy.

Test Deliverability Before Sending

Before you send out a large email campaign, it’s important to test your deliverability to avoid issues down the line. Here are some tips:

Review Spam Filter Rules and Requirements

Major email providers like Gmail, Outlook, and Yahoo have published spam filter rules and best practices. Review these to ensure your emails comply with inbox placement policies around content, formatting, sender authentication, and more. For example, avoid using all caps, excessive images, and over-the-top language.

Use Email Testing Tools to Check SpamAssassin Score

SpamAssassin is an open source spam filter used by many providers. Test your email’s SpamAssassin score using a tool like Aim for a score under 5 to avoid the spam folder. Identify any problem areas flagged by the tool like missing SPF records or risky content.

Send Test Emails to Free Accounts

Send test emails to free accounts you own across major providers like Gmail, Yahoo, Outlook. Check to see if the emails arrive in the primary inbox without delays. Test different email elements like links, images, and subject lines for any filtering issues. Monitor inbox placement over time as providers may reassess later.

Tips for Improving Deliverability

A high email deliverability rate depends on maintaining a good sender reputation over time. Be sure to properly authenticate your sending domain, IP addresses, and infrastructure. Follow best practices for list hygiene and only send emails to engaged subscribers who expect to hear from you.

Optimizing your subject lines and preview text can also boost inbox placement. Personalized dynamic subject lines have higher open rates compared to generic titles. Write compelling subject lines that create curiosity and encourage opens. Avoid spammy words like “free” and “offer” which can trigger filters.

Preview text should motivate the recipient to open while summarizing the content. Make the first sentences catchy and relevant. Test different subject lines and preview text, measuring open and click rates to find the optimal mix.


Email deliverability is crucial for successful email marketing campaigns, but it can be tricky to get right. By taking the time to test deliverability and make optimizations, you can ensure your emails consistently reach the inbox.

To recap, here are some key steps covered in this guide:

  • Review spam filter rules and stay up to date on major ISP requirements. Send test emails to personal accounts at each provider to confirm inbox placement.
  • Use email testing tools to analyze important factors like spam score before sending a full blast. Address any red flags that could hurt deliverability.
  • Maintain a good sender reputation by properly authenticating emails and avoiding spam traps. Monitor feedback loops and complaints.
  • Segment your lists and target engaged subscribers who are most likely to open and click. Avoid spamming inactive users.
  • Craft relevant subject lines and preview text that will appeal to recipients. Personalize when possible.
  • Continuously monitor your email metrics like bounce rates, spam reports, and placement over time. Make adjustments to improve.

By testing and optimizing for email deliverability, you can increase open and click rates while also building a great reputation. Follow these tips to keep your messages out of the spam folder and in the inbox!

Frequently Asked Questions

What is email deliverability?

Email deliverability refers to the ability of your emails to reach the subscriber’s inbox instead of getting blocked by spam filters or landing in other folders like promotions or social. It is crucial for ensuring your messages are seen by the recipients.

Why is testing email deliverability important before sending campaigns?

Testing deliverability before sending large campaigns is essential to identify and fix issues that could prevent emails from reaching inboxes. This includes checking spam filters, sender reputation, and authentication to avoid emails being marked as spam.

How can you improve email deliverability?

To improve email deliverability, ensure proper authentication of your sending domain, maintain good sender reputation, and keep your email list clean by only sending to engaged subscribers. Also, optimize your email content, such as subject lines and preview text, to avoid spam triggers.

What are some common factors that affect email deliverability?

Common factors affecting email deliverability include sender reputation, email content, spam filter criteria, recipient engagement, and authentication methods like SPF, DKIM, and DMARC. Poor practices in any of these areas can lead to emails being blocked or filtered.

What tools can help test email deliverability?

Tools like can help test email deliverability by checking your emails against common spam filters and providing a SpamAssassin score. This helps identify areas that need adjustment before sending emails to your full list.

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