how to chat blast a facebook messenger chatbot in

How to Chat Blast Your Facebook Messenger Contacts [2023 Update]

When you launch an email campaign, what’s the engagement rate you’re shooting for?

15% open rate? 20%? An open rate of 25% would put you at the top of most industry averages.

You’re good with that, right?

False. Email blast open rates are dang donkeys.

I’ve been playing around with chat blasts in Facebook Messenger and get this —

Chatbot marketing blasts average 70-80% open rate in the first hour because the Messenger Facebook tool is the engaging and familiar channel preferred by a generation of mobile internet users.

facebook messenger open rate compared

Here’s how to chat blast your contacts in Facebook Messenger in 3 steps for totally unprecedented engagement:

  1. Build your chat page.
  2. Create the blast.
  3. Blast it!

You can actually see the chat blast we’ll build together in action in Facebook Messenger.

Here’s how to build a free chatbot and chat blast for your business.

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Step 1: Build your Messenger chat page

Start by building the chat dialogue that will go out in your blast. That tutorial is over here: How to build a chatbot in 5 minutes.

We use’s visual, drag-and-drop chatbot builder to create the blast page content.

Chat blasting best practice alert: Don’t forget your unsubscribe message! It’s important to remind readers that they can unsubscribe at any time by responding “stop”. This helps you reduce complaints and your likelihood of your Facebook page getting banned in Messenger.

Want to personalize the content with the reader’s name to increase engagement? No problem!

Type double curly brackets to select from a drop-down menu of custom contact variables to dynamically insert any contact attribute OR click the </> symbol at the top of the widget to see all the variables you can use to personalize the message:

how to chat blast chatbot builder

Add a CTA button that links to the blog post or content you’re sending them to read:

  1. Hit “Add button” at the bottom of your text widget.
  2. Label your button text.
  3. Pick the option “URL” to send users who click it to a URL. Other button options: Send users to a different chatbot dialogue, allow them to make a phone call to your business, or send the visitor to your live agent.
  4. Paste in your button’s destination URL.
edit button in chat blast

To test your blast, click the “Test Dialogue” button:

test chatbot dialogue button

Here’s what it looks like in chat:

facebook messenger chatbot chat blast test

Step 2: Create the blast

From the marketing automation tools, go to Chat Blaster and create a new chat blast:

facebook messenger marketing automation tools in

Name your chat blast and use the drop-down options to select the Facebook Messenger audience segment for the blast.

choose your chatbot blast audience

Choose the dialogue you’re blasting from easy drop-down menus:

pick the chat dialogue to blast

Last, choose the purpose of the blast from the menu — your three options are: promotional, (non-promotional) subscription or notification update.

If you choose to send a a notification update, you’ll then select from these Facebook Messenger approved message tag types:

  • Community alert
  • Event attendee reminder
  • Pairing update
  • Application update
  • Account update
  • Payment update
  • Personal finance update
  • Shipping update
  • Reservation update
  • Issue resolution
  • Appointment update
  • Game event
  • Transportation update
  • Feature functionality update
  • Ticket update

How do you know what category to select for your chat blast?

Here’s are the basic definitions — use your judgment to decide which applies:

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Step 3: Blast it!

Hit send to chat blast away immediately!

send chat blast now or schedule it for later

Or schedule the blast for a future date and time with the scheduled blasts feature for Pro and Team users:

schedule future chat blast

Bonus Blaster: Automated Chat Blasts via RSS Feed

Readers subscribed to your blog updates can get new published content automatically sent to Messenger with the RSS Blaster!

Facebook Messenger RSS Blaster sends automated blog updates to you Messenger subscribers in engaging and mobile-friendly chat with push notifications!

rss blaster set up

Chatbot marketing services are the biggest opportunity of the next three years and you can get in as an early adopter and enjoy the benefits of 10X engagement with Facebook Messenger chat blasting.

Thanks for joining us on this epic journey from donkey email blasting to unicorn chat blasting land.

You’re now armed and ready to chat blast.

Facebook Messenger Marketing is FREE for unlimited contacts in

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Important Next Steps

  • Upgrade your Instagram and Facebook with 100% Meta-approved comment and DM automation to grow your audience, engagement and sales. InstaChamp is free for Creators this week!
  • Join the Facebook group to get and give help on chatbot marketing. We have over 40,000 members and counting.
  • Do yourself a favor by signing up for blog updates. We only send the most actionable and high-impact marketing tactics to your inbox.

FAQs about How to Chat Blast Your Facebook Messenger Contacts

What is a chat blast on Facebook Messenger?

A chat blast on Facebook Messenger refers to sending a single message to multiple contacts simultaneously. It is an effective way to quickly communicate with a large group of people using the Messenger platform.

Can I chat blast my Facebook Messenger contacts?

No, Facebook does not provide a built-in chat blasting feature for individual users. However, some third-party tools and services may offer this functionality.

Are there any limitations or guidelines for chat blasting on Facebook Messenger?

Yes, when using third-party tools or services for chat blasting on Facebook Messenger, you must comply with Facebook’s policies and guidelines. Avoid spamming or sending unsolicited messages, as it can lead to account suspension or other penalties.

Which third-party tools can I use for chat blasting on Facebook Messenger?

There are various third-party tools and services available for chat blasting on Facebook Messenger. Some popular options include XYZ Tool, ABC Service, and DEF App. Make sure to research and choose a reputable tool that aligns with your needs and follows Facebook’s guidelines.

How can I create a chat blast on Facebook Messenger?

To create a chat blast on Facebook Messenger, you would typically need to use a third-party tool or service that offers this functionality. These tools usually allow you to import your contact list, compose a message, and send it to multiple recipients simultaneously. Refer to the documentation or instructions provided by the tool/service you are using for detailed steps.

Is chat blasting considered spamming?

Chat blasting can be considered spamming if it violates Facebook’s policies and guidelines. It’s important to obtain proper consent and follow ethical practices when sending messages to your contacts. Make sure to review and adhere to Facebook’s terms of service and anti-spam policies to avoid any penalties or account restrictions.

Can I personalize chat blast messages?

Yes, many chat blasting tools and services offer personalization options. You can often customize variables within your message, such as the recipient’s name or specific details, to make the messages feel more personalized. This helps create a more engaging and relevant experience for your recipients.

Are there any alternatives to chat blasting on Facebook Messenger?

Yes, if chat blasting is not suitable for your needs or you want to explore alternative options, you can consider using Facebook Messenger ads or creating a Facebook Group or Page to communicate with your audience. These methods provide different ways to engage and interact with people on the Messenger platform.

7 thoughts on “How to Chat Blast Your Facebook Messenger Contacts [2023 Update]”

  1. I like your approach to messenger marketing
    I would like to see some links to step by step videos as a non tech or non coder.

  2. I am wondering how we can send these chat bot messages to our Facebook page likers?
    I am working for the nonprofit sector we don’t have money and manpower to do this. Is there any way or no cost solutions to do this?
    Kindly guide.

    1. Virginia Nussey

      Hi Ravi, great question.

      Converting people who like your page into Messenger contacts is a great strategy. Use a post comment autoresponder to conver commenters into Messenger contacts. Here’s the how-to: In the post, let people know that they can sign up for your updates if they comment on the post. Or, publish a question, riddle or enticing offer that will generate a lot of comments.

      Another strategy for growing your Messenger contacts is converting your email list. Here’s the tutorial for this:

  3. I really like your approach to messenger marketing. I think it is very innovative and creative, which is excellent, because as you show, it is not over-complicate, and many times, the things that work the best are the simplest and that go straight to the point. I wanted to ask you, what do you think of social CRM software? I’m thinking about trying something like this to see how it helps me to manage social media inquiries. Thanks in advance for your help!

    1. Virginia Nussey

      Hi James, MobileMonkey works with your CRM via integrations so your Messenger contact profiles stay in sync with any CRM you use. Connecting these tools could prove useful.

  4. My contacts on my fanpage can no longer send messages, they just leave Subscribe or not subscribe … and it is disabled that they can send a question or comment. what’s going on?

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