The Ultimate CAPI Playbook: Unlocking Higher ROAS and Lower CPAs with Super CAPI

Last month, Wordstream came out with its annual Facebook Ads Benchmarks Report. What was notable about the report, besides the shocking news that CPC and CPL were both down year-over-year, was the report’s recommendations to use CAPI to improve performance:

“Since your Facebook ads conversion rate is dependent on the actions you choose to track, having a clean way to catch all potential conversions coming from your ads is crucial.”

Of course it is! It’s why we rolled out Super CAPI and why our customers are seeing better Meta Ads performance than their competitors. 

But understanding CAPI is easier said than done. In fact, many advertisers aren’t even aware of what it does or its impact on performance. 

We want to change that.

So today, we are going to dive into the basics of CAPI, how it impacts your ad performance, and how to set up Super CAPI for lower CPAs and higher ROAS. 

Let’s jump in.

What is CAPI and How is it Used?

In simple terms, Facebook’s Conversions API (CAPI) is a tool that allows you to send conversion data directly from your server to Facebook, bypassing the limitations of browser-based tracking. 

By using CAPI, you ensure that key actions like leads, purchases, and other valuable events are tracked more accurately.

Why does this matter? 

As we’ve talked about in the past, privacy updates and ad blockers have put a real damper on Facebook’s ability to reach relevant audiences.

It’s why we’ve seen so many headlines like this over the past few years:

When it comes to Meta, better data means better ad performance – and that’s where CAPI comes in. 

With CAPI, you’re not relying on cookies alone. You are giving Facebook more precise data to work with. 

BUT – if you don’t give Meta that data – you are going to pay the price in the form of a “tax”. 

Check this out. 

Along with CAPI, Meta has something they call their Event Match Quality (EMQ) score. If you’re familiar with Google Ads, the idea of a quality score shouldn’t be new. 

The premise is simple – if you have a high EMQ, you get “discounted” rates. Low EMQ…you pay the tax.

CAPI is key to your Event Match Quality. 

The more events you send, the better your EMQ, and the better your ‘rates’. 

Which leads us to Super CAPI.

What is Super CAPI and How Does it Help Meta Ads Performance?

We like to think of Super CAPI as CAPI on steroids. 

Instead of simply sending a few events, you can send thousands of events. In fact, one of our customers sent 250,000 events in their first month!

Because we can track anonymous visitors across the customer journey, and we integrate with your CRM and ESP, we have WAY more data than traditional API sources. 

What does this mean for performance?

Improved EMQ and lower CPAs! 

Check out what Huckle Bee Farms saw one month after implementing Super CAPI!

See the full case study for more details on how Huckle Bee Farms was able to achieve this.

Super CAPI is your avenue to better Meta Ads performance and the integration is simple.

How to Set Up Super CAPI

Setting up Super CAPI is easy and requires no development work on your side. Let’s walk through how to set it up in your account:

1. Navigate to Facebook Under the Integrations Tab 

2. Choose Manage Your Events

3. Add in Your Key Events 

4. Track Your Events Sent

5. Watch Your EMQ Scores Skyrocket

Easy right?

See How Your Meta Ads Signals are Performing

Adding Super CAPI to your Meta Ads account is a no brainer at this point but if you still aren’t sold, we are offering all new customers a free Meta Ads Signal Audit.

Our experts have homed in on 5+ critical optimizations that aren’t on the radar of 99% of Meta advertisers we’ve spoken to in the last 60 days.

We’ll take a look at your account and tell you where you might be missing out. All at no cost to you. 

Interested? Book your free audit here and lets get you on your way to lower CPAs and higher ROAS.

Important Next Steps

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