How to Boost a Post on Instagram for Free

How to Boost a Post on Instagram For FREE! Three NEW Calls-to-Action for Instagram

Normally, you would have to pay to get +600 comments and +300 likes on an Instagram post, right? Well, today I’m going to show you how to boost a post on Instagram for free.

Recently, I tried to promote an Instagram post. However, as you can see, it wasn’t approved because there are 0 promotion clicks. In other words, all of the engagement on this post is 100% organic.

How to Boost a Post on Instagram for Free: Campaign Results

Here’s what’s really interesting, as well as why you should start using Instagram DM automation tools for your own Instagram account: Of the +6,000 people reached, 69% were people who did not follow me

To put that into perspective, my average reach outside of my follower base has been roughly 10% per post.

Additionally, the post generated: 

  • 700% increase in reach outside of my own followers.
  • Nearly 100 bookmarks.
  • 25X my normal post reach. 
  • Well above my average new follower count (in the thousands) for the month.

And don’t forget about the more than 500 comments and 250 plus likes that I’ve already mentioned.

How did this happen? What changed?

I attribute these results 100% to InstaChamp automated messaging tools and their ability to favorably trigger Instagram’s algorithm via organic engagement. 

Which brings me to the underlying topic of this article. That is, the “what” that is making it possible to boost a post on Instagram for free. 

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How to Boost a Post on Instagram for Free 

Here’s the Instagram carousel post I’ve been referring to:

In InstaChamp, there’s a tool called the Comment Auto-Responder. InstaChamp Comment Auto-Responders allow you to send private automated messages to people who comment on your posts using a specific keyword, such as AUTODM.

As you can see on the final slide of the carousel, the Comment Auto-Responder is triggered by users completing my carousel post’s CTA: “Type AUTODM into the comments for instant access…” 

I include the CTA both on the final slide of my carousel, as well as in the post’s caption.

This is a completely new way to attach a call-to-action to a post, which in turn has the effect of boosting the post significantly.

What we find is that if you ask for a simple engagement, you typically get 3 to 5 times more engagement.

Now, let’s get to how you can put the world’s first Instagram-approved direct messaging and engagement tools to work for your own brand!

How the Comment Auto-Responder Boosts the Reach of Instagram Posts

Coming back to that 69% number. That’s the percentage of people my post reached that did not already follow me.

Remember, my normal posts only get maybe a third of this kind of traction and around 10% of the engagement are from people who do not follow me.

When your post reaches more people outside of your followers than it does within your own follower base, your post has reached albino unicorn level status.

Instagram rewards posts with high-levels of engagement. That’s why the Comment Auto-Responder is so ingenious because every time someone comments on the post, Instagram’s algorithm is triggered favorably. 

In return, my post gets shown to more people. Furthermore, with every new comment, the amount of people outside of my own followers my post is shown to on Instagram increases. 

In other words, engagement is the key to successfully growing your follower count on Instagram. To get new followers, you need to reach new people. And to reach new people, you need to get engagement on your content.

Without the InstaChamp Comment Auto-Responder, none of this would have been possible.

So, if you want to know how to boost a post on Instagram for free, InstaChamp by is your answer.

And it’s not just me!

One week after the launch of InstaChamp, affiliate partners are already averaging between 2X to 3X reach on their posts!

Take this post from Sorav Jain for example:

With Sorav’s first-ever post using InstaChamp, he was able to:

  • More than 2X his average reach with Instagram Reels, and
  • Already has over 100K views and 1,000 shares.

That’s incredible!

As you may have noticed in Sorav’s Reel, here’s the really good news: The InstaChamp Comment Auto-Responder is just one of the tools in InstaChamp you can tie to your post’s call-to-action.

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Why InstaChamp CTAs Fundamentally Change Instagram Marketing

These new Instagram auto DM tools are truly special because they solve a critical problem for businesses on Instagram.

The Problem: The complete absence of reasonable CTAs to ask people to fulfill on Instagram. Right now people are more or less hoping they get a click on the link in their Instagram bio. That’s just sad. However, it’s been the only viable option…until now.

Prior to InstaChamp, the funnel on Instagram was completely broken. The best call-to-action marketers had at their disposal was “click on my bio link.” I’m sorry, but that’s just not good enough! 

Larry Kim, Founder at

InstaChamp fundamentally changes CTAs on Instagram, forever. So much so, we’ve given them a name: InstaChamp CTAs

The 3 InstaChamp CTAs

Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the 3 InstaChamp CTAs: Comments, Mentions, and Send a DM. 

InstaChamp CTA #1: Comments

Example CTA = “Comment on my post using the word TRAINING to join my next free live training course.”

Example InstaChamp Auto-Responder:

how to boost a post on Instagram: auto-reply tools

InstaChamp CTA #2: Mentions 

Example CTA = “Mention me in your Instagram Story to receive an entry into the contest and a free sticker.

Example InstaChamp Auto-Reply:

InstaChamp CTA #3. Send a DM

Example CTA = “Send me a DM to see if I have any specials going on”

Example InstaChamp Auto-Reply: 

How to boost a post on Instagram for free: Send me a DM

How InstaChamp CTAs change Instagram marketing forever

Prior to InstaChamp CTAs, there wasn’t an easy way to ask for additional engagement on Instagram. Most people don’t even have a call-to-action on their posts. 

With and new DM automation, it’s so easy to get that extra fulfillment because of the instant gratification that users receive by doing so. 

Want this ebook? Get it immediately by commenting “ebook” on my post. It’s that simple. 

So now, there’s no excuse for marketers. You should be using automation to provide bonus materials, by asking the user for just a little bit of engagement.

The great thing is that no matter how great your engagement already is, this will make it better. OR, if your engagement is crappy, this will make it less crappy.

I’ve never really had a super active Instagram, but when I do post and use InstaChamp CTAs, I get at least 3 times more engagement on Instagram. And sometimes, like in this post, 25 times more engagement.

What’s the significance here? The significance is that creators and brands need to fundamentally change their thought process when creating their Instagram content. 

It needs to be modified in such a way that you give away some or most of the value in your content, but save some to be fulfilled, such as bonus materials, based on how you want people to engage. That could be post comments, mentions of your brand, or starting more 1-on-1 conversations in your DM inbox.

When you do that, the rewards are astronomical. Mainly because you end up showing up in front of all these people you never would have before. 

How to Boost a Post on Instagram for Free: Important Next Steps

Want to get started with InstaChamp and new Instagram DM automation tools?

Learn how to:

Are you an affiliate? Get in on the madness that is InstaChamp while it’s still brand new and become a affiliate partner, today!

Instagram accounts that use MoibileMonkey’s Instagram marketing tools, will generate automated activity and interactions which are perceived as entirely organic. And because you’re able to generate organic engagement at scale, this translates into a huge increase in genuine followers.

Best of all, with, you’ll be working with 100% Instagram-approved engagement tools.

The proof is in the numbers. 75% of consumers also prefer to engage with brands using private messaging channels vs traditional channels.

✅ Get early access to Instagram messaging tools for free!


Are you looking for an edge on Instagram? Influencers, artists, brands and D2C businesses, you may qualify to be the first to use tools that generate elite engagement via Instagram DMs.

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FAQs about How to Boost a Post on Instagram

What does it mean to boost a post on Instagram?

Boosting a post on Instagram refers to a paid advertising feature that allows you to increase the reach and visibility of your content beyond your existing followers. By allocating a budget, you can target specific demographics, interests, or locations to ensure your post reaches a wider audience.

Why should I boost a post on Instagram?

Boosting a post can be beneficial for various reasons:
Increase Visibility: By reaching a wider audience, you can expand your brand’s exposure and increase the chances of engagement.
Drive Traffic: Boosted posts can lead to more clicks and visits to your website, helping you generate traffic and potential conversions.
Promote Events or Offers: If you have an upcoming event or special promotion, boosting a post can help you reach more people who may be interested in attending or taking advantage of the offer.

How can I boost a post on Instagram?

Boosting a post on Instagram involves a few simple steps:
Step 1: Choose the post you want to boost from your Instagram business account.
Step 2: Tap on the “Promote” button below your post.
Step 3: Define your objective, such as driving more website visits or increasing profile visits.
Step 4: Customize your target audience by selecting demographics, interests, and locations.
Step 5: Set your budget and duration for the promotion.
Step 6: Review the details and payment information, then click “Create Promotion” to start boosting your post.

Can I boost any post on Instagram?

To boost a post on Instagram, you need to have a business profile and adhere to Instagram’s advertising policies. Additionally, certain post types, such as Stories, IGTV videos, and carousel posts, may have specific requirements or limitations for boosting. Ensure your post complies with these guidelines before attempting to boost it.

How much does it cost to boost a post on Instagram?

The cost of boosting a post on Instagram depends on several factors, including your target audience, budget, and duration of the promotion. You have control over how much you’re willing to spend, with options ranging from a few dollars to hundreds of dollars. Instagram provides estimated reach and engagement metrics based on your budget and target audience, which can help you make informed decisions.

What targeting options are available when boosting a post?

Instagram offers various targeting options to help you reach your desired audience. These include:
Location: Target users based on their location, ranging from broad regions to specific cities or even a radius around a particular point.
Demographics: Define your audience based on age, gender, language, and interests.
Interests: Target users who have shown interest in specific topics, accounts, or activities on Instagram.
Behaviors: Reach people based on their previous interactions with your content or actions taken on Instagram.

How long does a boosted post run on Instagram?

When boosting a post, you can set the duration of your promotion. The duration can range from one day to several weeks, depending on your goals and budget. Keep in mind that the longer your promotion runs, the more exposure and potential engagement your post can receive.

Can I monitor the performance of a boosted post?

Yes, Instagram provides performance insights for your boosted posts. You can access metrics such as reach, impressions, engagement, and link clicks to evaluate the success of your promotion. Monitoring these metrics can help you optimize future campaigns and make data-driven decisions.

Are there any restrictions or guidelines for boosted posts on Instagram?

Yes, Instagram has specific guidelines and policies regarding advertising content. Ensure your boosted post complies with these rules to prevent any issues or rejection of your promotion. Guidelines cover various aspects, including prohibited content, restrictions on sensitive topics, and limitations on text and image overlays.

Can I boost a post on Instagram without a business profile?

No, boosting posts is only available for Instagram business profiles. If you currently have a personal account, you’ll need to switch to a business account to access the boosting feature. The process of converting your account is straightforward and can be done within the Instagram app itself.

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