How to Install a Chatbot on a WordPress Site Using

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Below is a transcript of the Chatbot Marketing Training Course by and Isaac Rudansky, of Adventure Media. Get the full course here and become a messenger marketing master.

Howdy Chatbot fans, and welcome back.

In this lecture, we’re going to talk about how to add your Mobile Monkey Chatbots to your website, and we’re gonna start off with WordPress because a lot of you guys are on WordPress, but we’re also gonna talk about Shopify and then doing it through Google tag manager which, in my opinion, is the best way to do it.

Listen, let’s go through each one step by step, and again, adding your Facebook Chatbot that you build through mobile monkey to your website is a really good way to start picking up leads because you could, instead of having one of these.

Well, you might not even have any live chat plug-in in there, but chances are most of you that do have a live chat plug-in on your site, it could be replaced more effectively with a Facebook Chatbot because it could respond to most of the questions you’re getting automatically if you program it to, which is exactly the type of efficiency you’re trying to get out of these marketing tools in the first place.

Let’s go ahead and go into Mobile Monkey and see what all this looks like.

Here we are inside Mobile Monkey and under lead magnets, we have a few different top-level categories. The first category we see here is called HTML elements. We’re gonna click it, and we’re gonna get a pop-up window.

We’re gonna go into our Mobile Monkey dashboard, and we’re gonna navigate out of the bot builder under leave Magnets to HTML elements, and it’s gonna bring us to our HTML elements page. Here’s one that I had started setting up as a sample. I’m gonna delete it by hovering over, and now I have a blank screen similar to what you should be seeing.

I’m gonna click add HTML element up here in the upper right hand corner, and I’m gonna get an option of a few different types of HTML elements that I can use.

Customer chat widget linked to messenger checkbox plug-in and send to messenger plugin. We’re gonna go through each one of these.

First, let’s click customer chat widget and I have a few different settings that I could set up. So first, the name I’m gonna call this website chat widget. HTML element type is customer chat; we already had selected. And the page that someone is going to be served when they first start interacting with our bot.

Typically, this could be like the Welcome page, or you might build out something much more sophisticated. Let’s just start off with our bot basics Welcome page.

Greetings people see when they are logged into Facebook. We could use variables here, hi, how can I help you. Greetings people say when they are not logged into Facebook, hi, we are here to answer that you might have, these are just the default Mobile Monkey settings; you could change that.

I’ve never seen a reason to make these two messages really different, but you could do with it as you wish.

The next thing we need to do is quickly whitelist the domain that we’re going to be adding this Chatbot to so.

I’m gonna add this Chatbot to our site for now because what’s on WordPress and I’m gonna click Add to whitelist my domain. Now, I have this code right so I’m gonna copy this code and now we need to insert this code to the backend of my WordPress site.

I could copy the code again from this main view over here. if I click copy code, I’m gonna go into this tab which is the backend of our WordPress site, and I have a WordPress plugin installed called Insert Headers and Footers you can get it easily it’s a free plug and you can get it from the plugins menu.

You could also add header and footer scripts through a file transfer protocol service like FileZilla or Cyberduck or Transmit you. Could also do it directly into the hard coded files from within WordPress. There’s a lot of different ways you can get code into the header or the footer.

I’m going to add the script into the footer by pasting it, in and I’m gonna click Save, and I might have to clear my cache, but let’s go to our website here and reload and see if we see our Facebook widget appear.

Sure enough, here is our Facebook widget that pops up, and if I click chat, it’s gonna log me into Facebook to continue my chat. I’m gonna quickly login to Facebook, sign-in, and now it loads my previous chat history.

It says, hey Isaac, I’m Jackee you’re friendly Sofa Mania neighborhood Chatbot, how can I help you today. Sectional, shop flash sale, contact support, or I could type a message.

This is a fantastic experience for users to have especially that they– especially because they could continue this conversation in Facebook Messenger. I want you to realize the importance of that. In the past, if I was chatting on a website, I was always nervous as I closed a page, if the chat got disconnected, what could happen now. if I start a chat on a website through Facebook Messenger, not only am I getting contact information, not only are you collecting leads off the bat without even asking for an email address, all they did was interact with your bot and you have their first name, last name, email address, location, gender.

It’s an incredible, but you could continue to market to these people when they’re on Facebook later on at night. They’re using Facebook messengers to talk to all their friends, and they could continue to get back in touch with you because it’s a familiar platform Facebook Messenger. the actual app on your smartphone is such a familiar platform to so many people that there’s literally nothing you could compare to the power of starting a conversation on your website with the website visitor literally through a chat icon that is a replication of the Facebook Messenger app. It is fantastic.

So again, obviously you’re looking at sofa manias widget I didn’t put in. I don’t have a widget for us to put in at this point, but this is the idea of adding your Facebook Chatbots to your website using WordPress.

There’s nothing much more to it than this. All the other sophistication and all the other and the success of how efficiently you engage with your context comes with how you build your BOTS how you build your welcome page the willingness to overtake with a human interaction when there’s a complicated question. So there’s a lot of nuances that go into it, but there’s no reason why any of you should not go and add these elements to your website and add your Facebook Chabot to your website.

If you’re not using live chat, you should do it because you’re gonna start building your email list with– you might be converting 10 20 25 30 percent of your website visitors; it’s huge. If you are using a live chat service like Livechat or Olarc or HubSpot, I would recommend for sure at least one to three months using the Facebook embed widget after you’ve built some Chatbots out.

I think it’s a really fantastic tool.



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