Conversion Rate Optimization Tools

14 Conversion Rate Optimization Tools to Dramatically Increase your ROI in 2021

One thing digital marketers constantly fail to devote enough attention to is the conversion rate optimization tools they used to increase conversions.

And that makes sense because most of us are hard-pressed to drive high-quality leads that turn into sales. However, when you think about the impact of increasing conversions by just 1% across your marketing funnel, you’ll realize why CRO is a great usage of your time.

In fact, according to Wordstream, conversion rate optimization tools have an average ROI of 223%. That’s a ridiculously high ROI that many of us have failed to capitalize on.

So, in order to convince you or your superiors to invest in the right conversion optimization tools, we’ve put together a list of the 14 best CRO tools available in 2021.

Let’s find out what they are!

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#1. Conversion Rate Optimization Tools for Live Chat: chatbots allow you to proactively engage with customers and prospects in order to grow revenue, generate leads, and offer real-time support across multiple marketing channels. live chat tools are great for increasing conversion rates on your website. In fact, studies have shown that live chat software increases conversions on websites by 45%.

Chatbots like can help to dramatically increase your conversion rates with tools such as:

For more ideas on how to improve conversion rates on your website, check out the top 7 chat marketing tactics of 2020 here

#2. Conversion Rate Optimization Tools for Personalization: Proof

Up until now, conversion rate optimization tools have mostly been for companies with large budgets that drive high-levels of traffic to their site.

And although you still should have close to or above 10 thousand site visitors per month before A/B testing, there are affordable and easy to use tools that have proven useful to a wider range of companies.

One such tool is Proof, which is focused more on customizing the user experience based on who the visitor to your website is.

Proof (aka UseProof) is a web page optimization tool that has some really interesting tools for improving user experience and increasing click-through and conversion rates. The best thing about Proof is that it’s built for marketers, and very simple to use.

Proof has two products: Experiences, and Pulse.

With Proof’s ‘Experiences’ product, you can adapt your site’s text, images, and CTAs for each visitor without writing a single line of code. Experiences allow you to personalize for audience segments based on events, traits, and behavior. 

And with the ‘Pulse’ product by Proof, you’ll get notifications of real people taking action on your website. Pulse allows you to see the total number of actions taken on your site, which is great for high-traffic pages such as content opt-ins, webinar registrations, and free-trial sign-ups.  

Proof is a great tool to quickly build multiple experiences based on who the visitor on your site is and where they came from. 

#3. Conversion Rate Optimization Tools for Web Traffic: SimilarWeb

SimilarWeb is one of the CRO tools that I’ve used consistently throughout the years. It produces great reports on your competitors and provides insights on how to drive more traffic to your website.

For marketers, SimilarWeb reveals the best strategies from the market and your competitors. Furthermore, you can use SimilarWeb to:

  • Uncover the best SEO and content strategies
  • Build and grow your affiliate and media partnerships
  • Enhance your display and paid search strategies

Additionally, you can use SimilarWeb to increase conversion rates of your PPC and display ads. Effectively direct ad spend by seeing where your competitors are advertising; reveal competitors’ creative, landing pages, ad networks, and placement strategy.

#4. Conversion Rate Optimization Tools Marketing Funnels: CrazyEgg

CrazyEgg got its start in 2005 and has not lost its popularity among the best conversion rate optimization tools available. 

Use CrazyEgg to see what’s working, what’s not working, and to know what your web visitors are doing with tools, such as heatmaps, recordings, A/B testing, and more.

CrazyEgg heatmaps, scroll-maps, and other visual reports will show you how your customers are responding to elements on your site.

With heat-mapping tools, you can:

  • Add an extra layer of insights to your Google Analytics data
  • Drill down to how your email and ad campaign visitors are behaving on-site
  • Make sure your CTAs are being seen
  • Place content in the order of importance to your customers
  • Track what’s going on behind pop up forms or login screens
  • Set a website or page redesign project up for success.

Additionally, Crazy Egg records the entire user session. This enables you to understand general patterns of how people browse your site, or to investigate a particular point in the customer journey where people are dropping off.

With Recordings, you have the ability to:

  • Identify areas of customer frustration, like form glitches or confusing navigation
  • See in real-time how people are interacting with your product or checkout pages
  • Dive into particular audience segments like New, Mobile, or Most Active visitor
  • Filter by source (e.g. Google)

#5. Conversion Rate Optimization Tools for Lead Forms: Leadformly

With Leadformly you can embed lead forms just about anywhere. Its lead forms work on almost any CMS, including WordPress, Squarespace, and Magento.

Leadformly has many lead generation tools and features, such as:

  • 60+ lead form templates to choose from
  • Customize the look and feel to match your branding
  • Multi-step forms and conditional logic to create conversational lead forms 
  • Data segmentation to qualify, and convert leads into customers

Lead forms can be embedded on your website and linked to your CRM. Then, you can use Leadformly’s analytics & A/B testing tools to increase your conversion rates.

#6. Conversion Rate Optimization Tools for Facebook Ads: is a powerful lead generation tool that allows you to start the conversation with users and provide an instant response when they reach out. In regards to CRO, Facebook advertising tools are one of’s top performers.

Facebook Messenger ads present a rare opportunity that savvy digital marketers are taking advantage of in 2020. 

And that’s because Facebook Messenger ads are different than regular Facebook ads. Most importantly, Messenger ads perform better than normal Facebook ads because they start a more engaging conversation with chatbots.

Facebook Messenger ads

A couple of types of Facebook Messenger ads exist. There’s an ad viewed on any Facebook property that directs traffic to Messenger. And then there’s sponsored content that’s native in Messenger.

Another cool thing about Facebook Messenger ad experiences is that they can take place across the Facebook family of apps, including the Facebook newsfeed, Instagram newsfeed, Facebook and Instagram Stories, Marketplace, Messenger, and others.

And Facebook Messenger ads differ from your average Facebook ad because they always lead to a conversational experience between your business the prospect.

Here are the top 4 reasons to use Facebook Messenger ads:

  • Messenger ads outperform other ads by 2X-10X
  • Instant lead and data capture
  • More features available for personalization
  • Automated lead qualification and follow-ups with chatbots

Check out the top 7 Facebook ad hacks of all time to get some more ideas!

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#7. Conversion Rate Optimization Tools Product Intelligence: Amplitude

Amplitude helps you use customer data to build great product experiences that convert and retain users.

If you’re a SaaS company building customer-facing product experiences, Amplitude provides dedicated behavioral analytics insights you can use to engage customers in ways that keep them coming back to your products.

Amplitude provides a broad overview of how people use your online services. By tracking user behavior, you can see the actions individuals are taking while they use your software and identify issues that could compromise or improve the UI/UX.

This is extremely important for any subscription-based product where it’s imperative to keep customers paying on a monthly or annual basis.

Use Amplitute to understand and optimize your funnels for better onboarding, activation, trial, and purchase conversion.

#8. Conversion Rate Optimization Tools for Product Analytics: Mixpanel

If you’re looking for something a bit more powerful than Amplitude, try Mixpanel. Mixpanel is another product analytics tool to help you convert, engage, and retain more users.

As opposed to Google Analytics, which is recommended for page or session-based user tracking, Mixpanel shines for event-based user tracking.

Mixpanel has four key components:

  1. Collect accurate data: Depending on the information that’s important to your business, you can gather accurate customer and product data in real-time across mobile, web, and other platforms.
  2. Identify trends: Once you’ve collected data, define key business metrics, and see how they trend over time. Maybe you want to see how your users grow week to week or which webpage they interact with most. Identify all the patterns that matter to your business.
  3. Understand ‘why’: Once you’ve identified trends, understand why those trends are happening. Through correlation analysis, look-alike modeling, and other data science techniques, find out why users are likely to engage, retain, and convert.
  4. Set goals and create hypotheses: After learning what key metrics are trending and why they’re moving up and down, it’s time to make a plan. Set goals to improve the trends, then create informed hypotheses on how to reach those goals.

#9. Conversion Rate Optimization Tools for Website Analytics: Google Analytics 360

Every digital marketer should be looking at Google Analytics on a daily bases. However, Google Analytics 360 Suite is the enterprise version of Google’s powerful analytics tool, which gives you access to more data and features to power your marketing and optimize your website for conversions.

One of the most important CRO features in Google Analytics is Event Measurement, which allows you to track events, such as clicks on your CTA buttons. Similar to how Mixpanel works, this means you’re not limited to tracking conversions based on URLs and you can measure the difference between call-to-action button clicks and completed conversions to address issues that are discouraging consumers to take actions you want them to take.

Another upgrade from basic Google Analytics, with GA 360, you can also create custom funnels to analyze customer journeys with additional details and prevent leads from dropping off.

#10. Conversion Rate Optimization Tools for Free: Google Optimize

If you don’t have the budget for Google 360, Google Optimize is a free marketing software that allows your data to guide your decisions. Optimize is natively integrated with Google Analytics, so you can quickly understand how to improve your website.

You should use Google Optimize for the following:

  • Run tests on your website’s content to learn what works best for your visitors, including A/B, multivariate, and redirect tests.
  • Optimize your website experience to suit each type of audience.
  • Create custom landing pages for Google and Facebook Ads, and convert more visitors into paying customers.

#11. Conversion Rate Optimization Tools for User Testing: UsabilityHub

UsabilityHub is like focus groups for SaaS companies. It’s a remote user research platform that takes the guesswork out of design decisions by validating them with real users.

Here are four of UsabilityHub’s core features:

  • First click tests: Test interaction with first click and navigation tests.
  • Design surveys: Display your design and ask direct questions to your participants.
  • Preference tests: Test visual appeal of your product or web pages with 2 to 6 alternative designs.
  • Five-second tests: Test intelligibility by showing an image to your audience for five-seconds.

For digital marketers, UsabilityHub is best to fine-tune landing pages, messaging, and creative. It will help you optimize conversion rates on marketing campaigns and product launches.

#12. Conversion Rate Optimization Tools for Feedback: Feedier

Feedier is a unique survey and feedback gathering tool that digital marketers can use to measure real-time satisfaction, get visual data-insights, and engage different audiences with cool experiences.

Most notably, Feedier has engagement forms that use gamification. Gamification is an amazing viral marketing tool and mechanism, so I always appreciate marketing platforms that include it.

Above all, Feedier allows you to create highly interactive forms and digital experiences quickly. From there, you can measure satisfaction, ask interactive questions, create loyalty with rewards, and push an action to close the loop.

The goal of using Feedier is to get more responses, turn those responses into insights, and provide tools that make it easy for you and your team to take action.

#13. Conversion Rate Optimization Tools for Page Speed: Google PageSpeed

Google has hyper-focused on web page performance over the past 5 years in regards to how it rewards your page rank. Google PageSpeed is a quick and easy way to keep track of how your website performs across all devices.

PageSpeed Insights analyzes the content of a web page, then generates suggestions to make that page faster.

In order to increase clicks from SEO efforts and decrease users dropping from your site, especially on mobile devices, you need to optimize your site for speed and mobile usability.

If you need something with a little more power and you’re willing to pay for it, take a look at Pingdom to effectively manage the page speed and performance across hundreds or even thousands of web pages.

#14. Conversion Rate Optimization Tools for Customer Support:

Studies have shown that live chat software increases conversions on websites by up to 45%. And for marketers working on increasing conversion rates across multiple channels, while working closely with their sales teams, there’s no better chatbot platform than

Using OmniChatⓇ technology, your marketing, sales, and customer support teams can instantly communicate with customers and collaborate from one unified inbox.

Furthermore, the unified inbox keeps track across your website, Facebook Messenger, SMS text messages, and other web chat apps such as Instagram and WhatsApp, all from one inbox.

This allows you to manage all customer communications from one place, as opposed to needing to manage different live chat tools across multiple platforms. Live Chat Omnichannel Inbox

The benefits of omnichannel technology are huge for digital marketers. In fact, companies with omnichannel customer support strategies retain on average 89% of their customers. Compare that to just 33% of companies that lack an omnichannel customer engagement strategy.

Other key benefits to being able to manage all prospect and customer interactions from one unified messaging inbox include:

  • Stronger customer profiles that are rich with data and behavioral insights
  • Better customer support team collaboration and faster response times
  • Time and money saved by using one, as opposed to many inboxes

Audience segmentation and targeting for CRO

Another big win for digital marketers is’s audience segmentation and targeting tools.

By combining Facebook Messenger captured data, as well as custom variables and attributes, you can run targeted, personalized campaigns. 

All of your chat conversations can be found in the one omnichannel inbox, along with information about your contacts including:

  • Name
  • Geographic data
  • Conversation sessions
  • Tags
  • Custom attributes

Additionally, all profile attributes and tags are searchable, including custom tags.Want to learn more about how to win customers and influence sales with B2B messaging? Check out our June 2020 webinar with Growth Marketing Conference on B2B live chat that includes the 9-step INTEGRATE method for brilliant customer experience and business outcomes via automated chat.

Need More Marketing Tools?

If you’re looking for even more marketing tools, look no further. Browse through hundreds of more marketing tools in the following lists:

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CRO Tools: Important Next Steps

  • Get started with chat marketing campaigns by building a free OmniChat™ chatbot. Get for free today.
  • Talk and learn about chatbots with other enthusiasts. Join Island, a Facebook group of over 35k marketers and entrepreneurs that are ready to support you.
  • Advance your marketing performance with Chatbot University, a free chatbot tutorial and training area for chat marketers.

For more CRO tools, check out this list.

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